Applications for the 2021 MIPSF Competition are now CLOSED.
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Widely recognised as one of Australia’s most prestigious classical music festivals, the Melbourne International Piano and Strings Festival attracts young gifted musicians from around the world each year and features a stellar teaching faculty and competition jury.
Following the success of our online competition last year, we are delighted to announce the 2021 Melbourne International Piano and Strings Festival Online Competition, where students will have the opportunity to submit videos of their performance to the MIPSF jury to showcase their talent. Top students from the competition may also receive a special invitation to perform at a special winners' concert in 2022.
**Deadline for Entries: SATURDAY 17 JULY 2021**
Accepted Instruments: Piano and Strings (violin, viola, cello)
Age restrictions: Age calculated as of 17 July, 2021.
Location: Online - Global - musicians from all corners of the world!
25 years and under (Piano) - time limit 12 minutes per piece
25 years and under (Strings) - time limit 12 minutes per piece
18 years and under (Piano) - time limit 8 minutes per piece
18 years and under (Strings) - time limit 8 minutes per piece
13 years and under (Piano) - time limit 6 minutes per piece
13 years and under (Strings) - time limit 6 minutes per piece
8 years and under (Piano) - time limit 4 minutes per piece
8 years and under (Strings) - time limit 4 minutes per piece
REPERTOIRE - own choice
Key Points
You will need to record a video of your performance and then submit a link to this video in your application.
You must also supply a portrait publicity photo and a performer biography (maximum 50 words).
All applications must be submitted by 11.59pm, SATURDAY 17 JULY 2021 (Melbourne time).
All prizewinners will be notified of the competition outcome via email by 30 AUGUST 2021 and will receive a certificate issued by IAMUSICA via email.
All other participants will be notified via IAMUSICA newsletter in August-September.
Top selected candidates may be invited to participate in a future prize-winners' event. The date for this event will be confirmed at a later date.
Repertoire Regulations
The repertoire presented must adhere to the time limit specified in the Categories Information above. Entries will be penalised if the submission exceeds the total allocated time.
The video does not need to be professionally recorded, but must show clearly the performer performing the instrument.
Due to the current global social isolation requirements, String players may submit works without an accompanist, or a performance accompanied by a pre-recorded backing track, though a live accompaniment is preferable.
Applicants may submit as many pieces as they wish in each age category - each piece will require an additional application fee.
An applicant may enter into an older age category, i.e. a 15-year-old competitor may enter the 18 years and under category and the 25 years and under category but must submit a separate application for each Age Category.
A candidate may replace a video already submitted as long as it is before the closing date. However the new submission will incur a new application fee and no refund will be given for the earlier submission. Candidates must also inform the Melbourne International Piano and Strings Festival of any replacement videos by email (office@iamusica.org), following the submission of the new application form.
Applicants are permitted to submit a single movement or select movements from a multi-movement work as long as it does not exceed the maximum total duration allowed for the section.
Applicants for the piano sections must only present solo works (i.e. no concerti or accompanied works).
Entries may submit multiple applications on the same application form, or on different application forms, as long as they are received before the closing date.
All videos must be uploaded to an online platform (e.g. Youtube, Google Drive, Youku etc.) and the link included in the application form. Videos need to remain available for viewing by the jury until after 31 December 2021.
If a candidate is selected to perform in a special prize-winners' concert, the work presented for the concert must be the same work as the one selected by the jury from the video audition.
General and Judging Rules
In these rules and regulations, the word “Committee” shall mean “The Management Committee of the International Academy of Musical Arts”.
The Committee reserves the right to determine the status of any competitor and the application and interpretation of these rules.
The Committee reserves the right to invite some or all of the first-prize winners and any other candidates from the competition to perform in the Gala Concert or similar event.
The Committee reserves the right to amend the program at any time, such as vary the competitive sections, award multiple/no prizes, or replace jury members due to unforeseen circumstances.
The decision of the jury is final and cannot be disputed. All applications will be reviewed by at least one jury member.
Jury members are not allowed to judge former or current students (excluding from masterclasses and festivals). In the event that a former or current student of a jury member has applied, the applicant will be judged by the remaining jury members.
Jury members reserve the right to view all or part of any video applications.
The International Academy of Musical Arts respects diversity and the competition does not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or political association.
The applicant grants the International Academy of Musical Arts broadcast rights to film, photograph, record, broadcast, live stream, reproduce, transmit, and show via different media platforms and channels for the purpose of promoting the current and future programs in Australia and internationally.
Performers and members of the audience may not film, photograph, record, or broadcast any performances without prior written consent from the Committee.
For further information, please email office@iamusica.org
Application fee is $60AUD per video.
We are delighted to have a formidable international competition jury for the 2021 Competition. Seasoned professionals, each member has decades of experience as both performer and pedagogue internationally.