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2021 Melbourne International Piano and Strings Festival Competition



Competition Regulations比赛总则

Competition Sections (i.e. instruments) 赛事项目

Piano, Strings (violin, viola, cello) 钢琴, 弦乐(小提琴,中提琴,大提琴)


Category Details 组别详情

Age as of 17 July 2021 年龄以2021年7月17日的岁数为准

Senior Piano Section (25 Years and Under) 钢琴青年组 (25岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 12 minutes 曲目时长限制: 12分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Senior String Section (25 Years and Under) 弦乐青年组  (25岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 12 minutes 曲目时长限制: 12分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Intermediate Piano Section (18 Years and Under) 钢琴少年组(18岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 8 minutes 曲目时长限制: 8分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Intermediate String Section (18 Years and Under) 弦乐少年组(18岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 8 minutes 曲目时长限制: 8分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Intermediate Piano Section (13 Years and Under) 钢琴少年组(13岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 6 minutes 曲目时长限制: 6分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Intermediate String Section (13 Years and Under) 弦乐少年组(13岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 6 minutes 曲目时长限制: 6分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Junior Piano Section (8 Years and Under) 钢琴儿童组(8岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 4 minutes 曲目时长限制: 4分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书


Junior String Section (8 Years and Under) 弦乐儿童组(8岁以下)

Work: Own Choice 参赛曲目: 自由选择 

Work Length: 4 minutes 曲目时长限制: 4分钟 

First Prize, Second Prize, Third Prize, Honourable Mention: Certificate 第一名, 第二名, 第三名,优秀奖: 证书



Competition Schedule 日期赛程

Applications close on 17 July 2021.  Competition results will be announced via email by 30 August 2021. 报名申请为2021年7月17日止。比赛结果将在2021年8月30日前通过电子邮件通知申请人。


Competition Rules 比赛规则

Contestants will need to record a video of their performance, and upload onto a platform such as Youtube, Google Drive, or Youku.  These videos must remain available for viewing until 31 December 2021.

参赛选手需录制一段自己的表演视频,并将其上传至Youtube、Google Drive或优酷等在线平台。为方便评审查看,请保持这些视频在2021年12月31日之前均可观看。


You must also supply a portrait publicity photo and a performer biography (maximum 50 words).

您还必须提供肖像宣传照片和表演者传记(最多 50 字)。


Contestants will need to copy and paste the video link(s) into the application form.



Recordings may be made using a smart phone.


An applicant may enter into an older age category than their actual age.  For example, a 13-year-old competitor may enter into the “18 Years and Under” category, or the “25 Years and Under” category.  There is no limit on the number of older categories a competitor may enter into. 

除了参加自己的年龄组之外, 参赛选手也可以选择参与比实际年龄更大的年龄组。例如,若参赛选手13岁,则可以选择“18岁以下”年龄组或“25岁以下”年龄组等。

Competitors are permitted to perform a single movement or select movements from a multi-movement work as long as it does not exceed the maximum total duration allowed for the category.


The length of the work presented must adhere to the time limit of the category.  Marks will be deducted from the competitor’s score if the work exceeds the total allocated time.


Pianists can only present solo works for competition.  No concerti or other accompanied works are permitted.


Due to current social isolation requirements, String players may submit works without an accompanist, or a performance accompanied by a pre-recorded backing track.


All prizewinners will receive a certificate issued by the Melbourne International Piano and Strings Festival via email.


All other participants will be notified via IAMUSICA newsletter in August-September.

所有其他参与者将在 8 月至 9 月通过 IAMUSICA 时事通讯收到通知。

Top selected candidates may be invited to participate in a future prize-winners' event. The date for this event will be confirmed at a later date. 可能会邀请最优秀的候选人参加未来的获奖者活动。此活动的日期将在稍后确认。



Application Fee


$60AUD per work.



General and Judging Rules



In these rules and conditions the word “Committee” shall mean “The Management Committee of the International Academy of Musical Arts”.



The Committee reserves the right to determine the status of any competitor and the application and interpretation of these rules.



In the event of insufficient or large entries, the Committee reserves the right to combine or divide sections accordingly.



The Committee reserves the right to amend the program at any time, such as varying the order of competitors or categories, alter the competition date, or replace jury members due to unforeseen circumstances. 



The decision of the jury is final and cannot be disputed.



Jury members are not allowed to judge former or current students (excluding masterclass and festival participation). In the event that a former or current student of a jury member is competing, the competitor will be judged by the remaining jury members.



The International Academy of Musical Arts respects diversity and the competition does not discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, or political association.



The competitor grants the International Academy of Musical Arts broadcast rights to film, photograph, record, broadcast, live stream, reproduce, transmit, and show via different media platforms and channels for the purpose of promoting the current and future programs in Australia and internationally. 



In case of discrepancies, the rules as stated in English take precedence over those in Chinese.



For further information, please email




All competitions are intended for students.  Teachers are not permitted to perform.



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